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Fuel Services to Fill the Needs for Small Scale Farms to Large Industrial Operations

Our fuel programs and specialty fuel services are designed to fill the needs for small scale farms to large industrial operations. We can provide tanks in various sizes and our well trained and efficient fleet delivers bobtail and transport loads of fuel.

Quality Fuel Services in Texas & Arkansas

Trusted Fuel Services for Companies’ Fuel & Oil Needs

When you need fuel or lubrication for your equipment and vehicles in NE Texas, SW Arkansas, NW Louisiana, and SE Oklahoma, Red River Oil Company provides fuel distribution and oil delivery to serve the needs of large-scale operations and small-scale farms. We offer specialty fuel services and fuel programs designed to keep machinery running and companies productive. Our clients depend on us for tanks in various sizes with bobtail and transport loads of fuel delivered by our efficient and expertly trained fleet. Whether your operation needs oils and lubricants, specialty fuel services, or any of our specialty products, we are ready to help you. With our reliable delivery and other services, you can streamline your efficiency by controlling your fuel spending with tanks onsite. Consolidate your vendor base by reaching out to us to provide fuel, oil, and a collection of valuable services to support your company.

Our Selection of Products for Clients

Companies throughout our service area depend on Red River Oil Company for fuel, oil, and other products. We quickly deliver these crucial products to ensure your business does not slow down or stop while waiting for supplies. Reach out to us for any of the following products to support your operation:

  • Fuel – Clients can get a wide array of high-quality fuel options from us, including Jet A, E-10 (87 Octane), Aviation Gasoline (100LL), Ethanol-Free Gasoline, Dyed Diesel (Off-Road), and Clear Diesel (Non-Biodiesel). Choose which fuel type you need to get an onsite tank and fuel delivery.
  • Oils & Lubricants – Our collection of oils and lubricants will take care of your machinery’s moving parts with timely deliveries. Select from our many options, such as passenger car and heavy-duty motor oils, HD transmission fluid, gear lube, hydraulic and industrial oils, tractor hydraulic fluids, and many others.
  • Specialty Products – We help companies flourish by delivering various specialty products to their worksites for use whenever they need them. Our list of products includes kerosene, methanol, diesel exhaust fluid, mineral spirits, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), and automotive and industrial chemicals.

Services We offer to Power & Lubricate Vehicles & Equipment

Our products are not the only ways we help companies keep their equipment and vehicles running optimally. We pair our fuel, oil, lubricants, and other products with exemplary specialty fuel services. Our specialists keep your operations management simple and convenient, versatile, and efficient fuel services from design and construction to loaned equipment and fuel testing. We also provide fuel programs, various sizes of tanks, and fuel transport and delivery by our fleet. Whether we accommodate clients with fuel monitoring systems or perform fuel distribution for businesses, we always provide our services with an emphasis on stellar customer service. We offer specialty fuel services of all sorts, including the following:

We Serve a Multitude of Industry Types

Businesses of various types require Red River Oil Company’s products and services. Wholesale and retail outlets rely on us for fuel and petroleum products, as well as commercial and industrial customers. Agriculture production sites are another industry we support with tanks in various sizes, lubrication for their vehicles and equipment, and much more. We take pride in our exceptional fuel and oil distribution services, and our products are high-grade to ensure quality. With over 100 years of combined experience, we have amassed the essential knowledge and skills to provide all these industries the products and services they deserve to stay productive and take care of their machinery.

Contact Red River Oil Company for Fuel Delivery

Our company has decades of combined expertise in all the services we provide and our wide array of fuel, oil, lubricants, and specialty products. We are ready to help you run your business optimally, whether it’s through a regular supply of fuel to an onsite tank at your business or providing you with oils, lubricants, and specialty products. Contact our fuel distribution expert today. We serve across NE Texas, SW Arkansas, NW Louisiana, and SE Oklahoma. Call us today to order our high-quality products and fuel delivery services.

Contact Us for High-Quality Fuel Services